Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Car Exam at the O.C. Auto Show: More than just a pretty face: Tricia Opper discusses the 2011 Chevrolet Volt

Charismatic and confident: That’s how I can best describe Chevrolet Product development Specialist Tricia Opper. She recently gave me a tour of the 2011 Chevrloet Volt, which The Car Exam has covered extensively in recent months, though I have yet to drive it (I have driven its direct competition, the Nissan Leaf, which I will review in an upcoming article). I asked Ms. Opper who will be the the typical Volt customer? She explains the Volt will be “Perfect for anyone. Nearly 80% [of all drivers] drive less than 40 miles to work.”

Combined with the fact that the Chevy Volt has a gasoline engine that kicks in after the lithium ion batteries lose their charge and can take the driver about another 300 miles, she might be on to something. As long as the driver has gas in the tank, "range anxiety" should not be a problem for people wanting to take trips longer than 25-50 miles, which is the range of the Volt batteries (depending upon driving conditions and the use of electrical accessories, of course).

What's the top speed of the Chevy Volt? Ms. Opper tells me it 100 miles per hour, but "it best to drive the speed limit"--I can't argue with her there!

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