Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Car Exam News #34: Mercedes to distribute Smart Car in U.S., and President Obama wants more incentives for electric vehicles

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Mercedes will sell the Smart Car in the United States: Automotive News has reported that Mercedes-Benz will now distribute the Smart Car in the U.S., taking it over from the Penske Automotive Group. Daimler AG (which owns M.B. and the Smart Car) gave the rights to sell the car to Penske, who started distributing the Smart Car in 2008 in the U.S. with good results at first--but then sales of the tiny car hit rock-bottom after that. The switch to Mercedes-Benz, U.S.A. distribution of the Smart Car should be completed by July of this year.

Source: Automotive News (http://www.autonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20110214/RETAIL01/110219937/1287) 2/14/11

President Obama wants grants for electric vehicles and U.S. infrastructure: Automotive News is also reporting that President Obama, as a part of his proposed fiscal year 2012 budget plan, is proposing $200 million dollars to provide grants to 30 U.S. communities to buy E.V.'s in fleet purchases, as well as providing them with money to invest in their infrastructure. The Obama Administration's goal is to have one million "advanced-technology" vehicles on U.S. roads by 2015 in a bid to reduce dependence on foreign oil, but everyone is not buying the idea, including the House of Representatives House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman, Republican Fred Upton (Michigan), who thinks government selection of companies for the plan is a bad idea, and takes the choice away (privately) from American Citizens.

Source: Automotive News (http://www.autonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20110214/OEM05/110219936/1429) 2/14/11

P. Scott

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